Men’s MasterS
Footy for fun
Over 35? Love AFL? Need to get out more after a hiatus? Or want to try it for the first time? Our players range in ages from their mid-30s and still playing all-age competition, to the social pedigrees well into their 60s.
We are a community club catering for all. We play a range of game formats throughout the year including intra-club, social games and over 50s social games with other clubs, scratch matches, carnivals, and compete in the Sydney AFL Masters Competition with games every two weeks from April to August.
part of the tiger kingdom
Balmain AFC Masters started in 2017 in partnership with the main club, Balmain Tigers AFC. In 2020 they formally merged to become the biggest & best AFL Masters club in NSW.
Contact us if you would like to have a run, or check out the fun on Instagram.
Testimonial from ‘Stretch’
I stumbled across a sign for Balmain Masters back in 2018, a couple of weeks later I was playing my first game of AFL in 12 years.
I’d stopped playing senior footy because work and family made it too hard to give the time commitment required to be successful at that level. To say I’d missed football was an understatement.
Masters footy gives you the best of footy without the downside:
You want to play games during the year but can’t commit to playing every week for 5 months? You’d prefer to play when you can around family and life? Play Masters
You want to play games during the year but can’t commit to training regularly? Play Masters
You want to play games and not end up dead and broken after every game? Play Masters
You want the social interaction and community that comes from being a part of a football club? Play Masters
You want to show the kids and partner how awesome you are footy? Well this is a tough one, my kids and wife and decidedly unimpressed but such is life!
I can’t recommend enough the benefits of being part of Balmain Masters, the social aspects alone have been a life saver over the last few years, the ability to run around and kick a footy on occasion is just a nice side benefit.
So sign up today and come down and play a game or two, who knows, like me you might kick a goal or two this year that you can tell stories about for the next 5 years, adding distance, angle and sidesteps on every retelling!